That's right. The first picture from the long-awaited Justice Society episodes of "Smallville" has been unleashed on the public, and I have to admit, Hawkman looks pretty darned cool for a TV-adaptation.
The Geoff Johns (Genuflect in his presence!) penned episodes are now actually going to air as a two-hour "Movie" rather than a 2 parter of episodes aired in consecutive weeks. Looks like the CW network wants to capitalize on fanboy-drool, and give them the full "10".
The title of this episode/movie? "Absolute Justice", that sounds just kickass enough to make me book Feb 5th, 2010 off (Like I have a job to book it off! :P ) It was scheduled originally to air on Jan 29th, but the CW moved it to Feb 5th, don't ask me why, I have no idea.
In case you were wondering who Geoff Johns is? He's only the greatest writer in Comics today! He also penned last season's "Legion" which introduced the Legion of Superheroes to the Smallville-universe, and it was kickass, so just face the facts, "Absolute Justice" will be no different.

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