For those of you who watched last night's Smallville, on the CW, you must have caught (Unless you headed for a snack, or the bathroom) the first sneak peek at Smallville's "Movie": Absolute Justice (Feb. 5th)
For those of you who missed it, here it is.
I know that you really can't see it on there, but there was a painting on the wall, which showed a certain "Golden Age Speedster"... What I wouldn't give to see Jay Garrick, The Golden Age Flash to show up, and perhaps mentor a certain "Recurring" speedster from the series.... (Ahem, Bart Allen! Ahem, Impulse!)

By. Forch F. Fortier (Who knows that Smallville is rocking so hard this season! With the amount of awesomeness being put into the show is enough to make me sweat with anticipation for Smallville: Absolute Justice!)
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