"2012" may be the #1 film at the box office right now, don't expect that to last. According to online movie ticket seller: Fandango, it looks like "The Twilight Saga: New Moon" is going to sink the "arcs" that the last remaining humans are aboard (This is part of the plot of 2012, spoiler alert...). Fandango has reported that "New Moon" has pre-sold more tickets for its opening than any other film in history (Shudder).
It has been reported that for every midnight screening of the film that sells out, that theater owners are planning on adding more screenings to capitalize on the demand. Analysts have predicted that the opening weekend could bring in possibly more than $100 million, and some are anticipating that the opening can be even bigger than "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen", which opened at $108 million.
I am frightened at this. Very frightened... The Lemming Effect has never been stronger... I guess I won't be going to the movies this weekend, because nothing I want to see is opening this weekend...

By: Forch F. Fortier (Who reminds the movie-going audience that there are more movies out there that don't involve Vampires and Werewolves, that are far more entertaining than some drawn out drivel love-story that ultimately you're going to outgrow by the time the last one comes out...)
Well this can't possibly surprise you Forch, if you were a teen / tween girl you'd be all over this Twilight crap too. It was written, produced, over produced, chewed up and regurgitated into tiny bite size pieces for the drooling masses. And I'm proud to say when the Vampire apocalypse comes to this shit hole of a planet I will be sleeping durring the day, not out looking for an angst-y sparkling teenager to be my true love... My true love will be my trusty wooden stake, a machete called Susie, and enough Holy Water to knock the stink off of King Kong Bundy.
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