"He will knock four times..."
Those words have been tormenting The Doctor since "The Planet of the Dead". What exactly do they mean? Well for the most disconcerting fan, they know that it could mean only one thing...
The Master is returning...
And that means that nothing good can come from his arrival. John Simm is still The Master? How is that so? And what role do the Ood play? What about Wilfred Mott? Or Donna Noble? All of these things are going to be answered, and the countdown to "The End of Time" has begun!
Here is the trailer, which played at the end of last night's: "The Waters of Mars"

By: Forch F. Fortier (Who is nervous, sad, worried, excited, happy, and a ton of other emotions at the prospect of not having David Tennant as The Doctor anymore. He's woven himself into my subconscious more than any Doctor before him, and I don't know if I can ever accept another... Matt Smith, you have your work cut out for you, son.)
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