Well it looks like the health-nuts are at it again...

The Cinema and Popcorn have gone together for decades now. Ever since the moving picture was brought to the public, it seems like that has become the "Standard" snack of choice for theater-goers. In the Late-nineties, we saw that trend shift, as big theaters became the standard, and with it, franchises for food vendors became the norm. Nowadays, the specialty foods may still exist on some level, but you can never take away popcorn from the moviegoing experience.
Well the only thing that can take that away is the ridiculous price for snacks, but that's a discussion for another time. But the bit was led in with one of the most pathetic news "Setups" I have ever seen, then took what was originally an article from another source, and turned it local, by incorporating the local theater (Silver City Ancaster, great theater, BTW) The reporter, whose name I can not remember for the life of me, went on to say that if you order a popcorn with butter, you're looking at about 1,200 calories, and 60g of Saturated fats.
While that is a lot of calories, I still don't see it as much of a problem.
I really think that it's just taking things a little too far nowadays, where we have to break down and analyze every little thing in our lives, so that we can live "Longer, More Active Lives". I say, follow "ForchMan Rule #21" which is "Enjoy the little things." (And yes, I know that there's a rule the exact same from "Zombieland", so don't even start on that!) We need to stop overanalyzing everything we eat, because we're slowly becoming a society that doesn't know how to enjoy itself anymore.
Who really cares how many calories are in a bag or tub of popcorn, really? I mean, how often do you eat movie theater popcorn anyway? I go to the movies at least once a week, and I don't have popcorn every time, in fact, the last 5 movies that I have gone to see (2012, The Men Who Stare At Goats, Zombieland, The Invention of Lying and Law Abiding Citizen, I think that was the last 5, I may be wrong, I go so often) I did not, in fact order popcorn. Most of the people I know, go to the cinema much less frequently than I, so what does that say about the amount of calories we are ingesting via theater popcorn???

Some things in life we need to just shut the hell up, and enjoy. But no. These "damned hippies" who have to complain about everything that may be a little "Naughty" and go on a crusade to make it better... You people make me SICK! If you really hate these things, than you have the GOD GIVEN RIGHT to choose not to eat them. Don't spoil it for the rest of us who actually enjoy them. Don't make it sound like you're doing us a favor by "Rescuing" us! I pray that the Theater Chains know this, and won't give in to "Hippie Pressure" because "Healthy Alternatives" may be right for some things, but we don't need them for everything.
Just let me, and the rest of my brethren enjoy our movies in peace, and go protest to the Oil Companies and get them to lower the price of gas. Or better yet, if you're going to picket the cinemas, picket them for lower prices on concessions.
But that's just my opinion... What do I know???

I have to agree with the health nuts crying over unhealthy choices at the cinemas. I want the health nuts to run those large multiplexes themselves. Not everybody is interested in tofu hot dogs and carrot sticks.
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