Generally now, I wait for the Trade Paper Back (TPB) to come out, which collects a number of books together (Usually a series of back to back issues compiling a storyline of some sort) and then it gives me a chance to just have a book of the story I want to read, without the pressure of keeping books bagged and boarded, and still getting to enjoy comics. But I miss having those books.
Wednesday used to be a day where I would jump up with joy at new Comic day. I'd go in, find the latest issues of the books I read and rush home to read them, it was just awesome. It was one of the highlights of my week, and well, now it's been about 2 months since I last set foot in a Comic Book Store.
I'm saddened at the state that the world has taken. That someone like myself can't actually find a decent-paying job that would allow me to not only live a decent lifestyle, but thrive. Gone are the days where you can put in a 9-5 Monday to Friday lifestyle and get by. The average single person has to work at least 2 jobs to make ends meet, and these are normally full-time jobs, not a 20 hour work week, but two 40-hour jobs.
To me, that is just sad. Even couples don't have it any easier. That's why divorce rates are so high these days, not because of couples not wanting to be in love, but money. Money is the biggest problem facing every single person every single day. It's sad, but it's true, and because of the way that the world has gone to shit, we're slowly becoming a Third-world nation, which is good, because maybe some of these richer countries can start sending us aid, and our dollar can soon be so de-valued that big companies will start moving their business to here, instead of America's Heartland: Mexico.
I feel that it's time our Governments started to work for us instead of against us. I get the idea that more tax dollars bring in more money for social programs, but the fact is, how do you expect someone like myself, who's only source of income right now is Government assistance (Unemployment Insurance) to pay more tax, when I am using Government money to support myself (And I don't get enough to do that, hence I live at my parents' house) and I can't find a job that would pay me enough so that I can own a house, and be able to pay my bills? Your overtaxing the people as well as businesses have killed our countries to the point, where jobs have been moved to other countries, so they can make more money for themselves.
It's sad that when you look at it, a company can pay less building an item overseas and then spend the money to ship it to their consumer, than if they built said product in the country where it's utilized. "Made in America" or "Made in Canada" used to mean something. Now? It means "Assembled in Taiwan" or "Shipped from Indonesia" or better yet "Built by some guy who makes 10 cents on the dollar, because the company who makes this doesn't care about the consumer, only the money they make off of said consumer."
The world just sickens me some days, and this is one of the reasons.
I just want to be able to buy comics each week. Is that really so wrong?

By: Forch F. Fortier (Who can't believe the tangent that he went off of on this article, it was going to be about how he's saddened at the loss of one of his beloved Comic book Characters: Kyle Rayner, but instead it became a commentary on the economic crisis...)
I have been singing the same tune..... Forch it is a sad day and its only going to get worse. Its kind of funny how you and I are in the same boat. Both born American growing up Canadian. I feel I do not get the same respect as my Canadian born friends. I do not even get call backs for interviews. Well its the way it goes. Its a shame really because I have some what of an education and great experience but it seems that gets over looked here. It even seems hard to start my own business locally due to friends helping their Canadian born friends first and sometimes I get the left overs. Its sad because I have so much to offer. Its not my fault I was born some place else. Why should that even play a part. All my family lives here and this is where my childhood memories are. When I was in the states my friends would make fun of me for being Canadian but they at least still treated me the same when it came down to it. Here so far it has been the total opposite. I feel like an outsider. My family has been in the Falls for many, many years and my grandfather even helped build lots of it. The cemetaries are scattered with my families remaines but still I am pushed to the side. I am not coming down on Canada I love this country. This is my home. In life one may travel but Niagara Falls will always be my home. So for now I will try to do my own thing and if it is on the world market, so be it. No one here can come down on me for working for people from other countries as a freelancer because I am not getting support here. Its not like I can't start a bussiness here. I have plenty of friends that are in industries that I could make a descent living but they do not use me. I have told people for many years what I do. I AM A COMPUTER GUY !!!!!!!! I have been to school for Network Administration and Web Design/Developer and still nothing. So be it, on with my own thing I guess.
Wow.. I am pretty sure the interviewers would not have a clue if you are american born or canadian born. I assume you have canadian citizenship, so stop using that as an excuse, and look within. I mean really, you're from the USA, big deal, so are a LOT of people here in canada, and they are thriving. That argument is ridiculous. Perhaps you need to update your skills, as well as your interview skills. There are lots of jobs out there, just go to jobbank.gc.ca and look. Stop feeling sorry for yourselves and get pro-active. Go back to school, update your education, anything besides having a pity party because you suck at interviews or cant buy a comic book.
Right !!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats what I'm doing. Ok. If you read the post you would see I went to school(I just finished a year of more school to update skills). This is far from a pity party. I have been told straight to my face, at a job, about being American. So how dare you make accusations of how you think it is. I live my life and this is what happens to me. I understand there might be others out there from other countries. Until you have walked in my shoes, I don't think you will really understand. Do you realize how many resume's I have sent out. With not one call back. It's so easy for you to say......... ha ...... Thats why I am trying to pursue freelance. There is no borders.
And boy if you knew my background you probably would of said your little speech there a little bit different.
Also, it's really not feeling sorry for myself because I know I will rise and be successful again. I have done it many times before. It's just a shame that it is what it is.
Im sure your resume does not state where you were born.
Yet they still aren't calling back.....
I have read many resume's in my time. You can know a lot about a person trough a resume. Either through past employers or where you went to school. I'm not going to argue with you about this. Like I said it is what it is and I will try my best to do what I love. Maybe someday it will all work out like it usually does.
And by the way. Why are you hiding who you are? I am not afraid to put my name out there for my beliefs............... are you! ANONYMOUS? WHO?
My name is Chris Chabot........... and this is my life story........ on Forches website ... lol
I would like to go buy stuff other than comics though but I can't right now......maybe later .... when I start making money ........ Its all about money :)
I have nothing to hide, but my identity is irrelevant since this is your pity party, I mean, "life story".
Food for thought however, you stated even your friends wont hire you.
What does that tell you? I think you should start looking on the inside and stop focusing on where you were born, or where you went to school. Both which are not important at all. You blame everyone and everything but yourself. Take responsibility for your life. It is what you MADE it.
Sometimes you do what you have to do to survive, while trying to reach ones goals.
Good luck Chris Chabot, i hope your attitude changes, then perhaps, so will your luck.
By the way "it is what it is" is one of the most overused, passive aggressive, bullshit sayings of our time. OWN IT
Wow! Such sparkling debate! :)
You need to learn to read before you speak so you know what your saying.
I laid it all out in the previous posts. If you do not think there is problems than your one of the truly blessed ones with no problems.
You are still trying to put me down while hiding behind a fictitious name.
quote" you stated your friends won't hire you, what does that tell you?"
They are not truly my friends
Anonymous I think you start ranting about me and you don't even read my whole posts.
I plainly state, I believe, in my first post that I was doing my own thing.
I believe my attitude is good. I believe in myself(you would of known that if you read my earlier posts). I just stated what the attitude of the people that are hiring are in this area.
Are you one of them? Is that why?
I also believe my luck is pretty good, its got me this far.
Come on try to put me down some more....... your falling in line with the rest.
Please if you respond again read the posts first!!!!
Do you think starting a business is taking control of ones life?
Come on if your going to debate with me read the posts and stop hiding behind ANONYMOUS and put your name out there if you have nothing to hide.. ha ha ha ha
I am not the only one this has happened to. So you live in your fantasy and keep thinking stuff like this doesn't happen.
La de da la de da The world is perfect and if you don't have what I have their is something wrong with you.
There has been many before me in the same boat.
My path is not yet finished so we will see what my future holds.
Pity Party !!! Pity Party !!!! For the thousands of people across Canada in my shoes that say the same. What about native indians? Don't get me started !!!!!!!!!!
Your ignorance must be bliss................
This has truly been fun but I'm done with this debate.
Did i strike a nerve? WoW!
P.S- just because you dont agree with my observations (im quite sure you dont take any criticism well... hmm ) doesnt mean i didnt read the idiotic retorts. I just found them full of excuses and finger pointing.
Im glad you surrendered, as you were soundly beaten my poor little repressed and looked down upon american friend.
P.P.S my father is american, and he makes over 100,000 a year here in canada.
I would have to agree with Chris. You have a lot to say. Stick your neck out and use your name. Coward!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I read the posts and anonymous..... your an idiot
My dad is american and makes 100,000 a year.
You sound like a little kid. If you really read his posts you would have seen he is not making excuses. He is doing something most people are afraid to do and thats start a business.
Chris I feel for you and I am sorry you have had this problem. I can see your frustration. Keep your head high and never give up and dont let the few get you down as it is clear they are out there. I wish there was more I could tell you. It is hard right now not only for you but others seeking employment. Change up your resume see if that works. Try going to your local unemployment office to see if they can help.
I hope this was more positive and good luck on your biz.
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