So let's see what's in store this week, here are the releases for Tuesday, November 3rd!

The biggest release of the week, undoubtedly is the hit (If you can call it that) blockbuster, G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra.This, of course is the film that I have been looking for, and of course, I had to rush to Wal-Mart to pick it up. Aside from the Standard 1-disc edition, there's also a 2-disc with additional features and Blue-Ray.
I happened to pick up the 1-disc, and I am watching it as we speak. As I have already seen the movie, I can tell you that it was a pretty good (Not great) movie, which at the time I gave a 6.5/10 (Grilled cheese sandwich scale) Upon rewatching it, I will bump up the mark slightly to a 7. It really isn't that bad of a movie, of course, Christopher Eccleston (Doctor Who) is the saving grace of the movie.

The other Big (Once again, if you can call it that) release is "The Taking of Pelham 123", starring John Travolta and Denzel Washington. Both actors I am fans of, however, when you try to remake a movie not many people care about, you come up with a movie that very little care of, and this, is undoubtedly what happened.
The movie tanked at the box office. But look for it to rent well on home video.
The next release this week is "Aliens in the Attic", a CG-Animated feature for kids. Another movie that did not do terribly well in theaters, and was overlooked by most theater-goers. As well, look for this to rent good for at least a couple of weeks, for parents who are looking for new films for their kids.
"I Love You, Beth Cooper" comes out today as well. Another overlooked film, no comment.
In other releases, there are a bunch of re-releases to talk about, as well as a bunch of "TV-On-DVD" releases, I will mention a few of those at this time.

The movie Watchmen (Forch Rating 8.5/10) gets yet another DVD release this week, with "Watchmen: The Ultimate Cut". This set will not only include (Yet another) extended version of the film as well as the Animated direct to DVD releases that came out around the same time of the film's theatrical release. This, of course is the only way that WB is going to get people to watch them, as those items didn't exactly sell to begin with.
Will Ferrell's live HBO special: "You're Welcome America: A Final Night With George W. Bush" comes to DVD. I happened to see this when it aired on HBO, I wasn't impressed. Ferrell seems to be growing desperate, as he's been slowly sliding into a downward spiral. It's a shame, because he's quite funny, however no one cares about what lovable loser he's going to play next, as each of his movies seem to just blend together.
Star Wars The Clone Wars: The Complete Season One looks to be a worthwhile release. Clone Wars is a great cartoon, and I feel that I will likely pick this one up at some point.
For you Henson-Nuts, Fraggle Rock: The Complete Series comes out today as well. I know a lot of people who are looking forward to this one.
And finally for those of you who love Michael Chiklis, The complete series of "The Shield" comes out in a huge box set! I have no idea who watched this show, but I don't see a lot of units of this item moving too much!
So that's this week's releases. Next week looks to be a good week, as the Pixar hit, Up comes to home video. In the coming weeks we're going to see a lot of hits hitting video shelves, so keep posted.

By Forch F. Fortier (Who reminds you that he auditioned for G.I. Joe the movie for the part of Gung-Ho, however director Stephen Sommers was upset when I told them that I wouldn't grow the gay mustache, however I was willing to get the chest tattoo.)
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