Tuesday, November 3, 2009

News: Terminator. Going Once. Going Twice.....

Do you have some cash to blow on something willy-nilly???

Why not buy the Terminator Franchise???

It appears that the fate of the Terminator franchise is up in the air, as an auction is going to give the highest bidder the rights to the Blockbuster movie franchise. Halcyon, the current owners, have filed for Chapter 11 (Bankruptcy Protection), and is selling off its most valuable asset, as a method of freeing up some money.

Now there is a kicker to this auction.

It appears that the auction will give the new owner the rights to the future of the Terminator franchise, however it will not give rights to the previous movies/media. The winner will be able to produce any sort of media related to the franchise, and judging by the sale of the rights of "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" (Which sold for $60 Million), Terminator will likely fetch a minimum 9-figure sum.

Sony appears to be the frontrunner to win the rights, but it appears that all of Hollywood's studios have expressed interest.

Now to add a bit of personal insight to this, it will be interesting to see the outcome of all of this. I am a fan of the Terminator films, and I really enjoyed the last film (Much to the Chagrin of the critics of the film) and I look forward to future films.

Terminator, for me is a love/hate relationship, much like the "Highlander" films. When you're dealing with continuity errors galore, it is hard to think of the films as a series, but you really have to deal with each of them as a stand-alone film. If you compare each one to its predecessor, then you're going to sprain your brain trying to make sense of everything.

I hope a company like Sony or WB do take the franchise, and steer it in the right direction. WB has distributed the last 2 Terminator films, so I think that they would be best to continue distribution, plus if WB buys them, then you always can place them in the DC Comics blanket, and make a whole media blitz with Comics, and perhaps Television (The Sarah Connor Chronicles was a great show, come on!), so WB, get in gear!

By Forch F. Fortier (Who reminds you that his parents actually are from the 30th century, who sent him back in time so that he can save the humanity of the 21st century from destroying themselves, so once he fixes everything, he'll create a paradox which will prevent him from ever being able to be born, to go back and fix the present.)


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