It's Sunday, and judging by the amount of Candy I gave out, and the amount of houses that had their lights off, it looks like people had better things to do than Trick Or Treat. But was it because they were at the Cinemas? Let's take a look at this weekend's box office tally in this week's edition of: BOX OFFICE BOFFO!

Judging by the selection of New Releases this weekend, it looks like the studios themselves were not anticipating much in way of Box Office gross. There were a bunch of "Lower-End" releases, with the exception of the Michael Jackson Tribute/Documentary: This Is It.

And this week really holds no surprise at all. "This Is It" opened with the #1 spot, taking in $21.3 Million dollars (A respectable amount for the type of film). Having opened a few days prior, the movie's made a total of $32.5 million dollars. I'm sure that this is a very profitable amount, as most documentaries cost very little to make.
Of course, I won't EVER see this movie, as I was not much of a fan of Jackson, and I really hate how much people turned him into a Saint after his death, even though he really wasn't. I'm not here to cast dispersions on his character, but aside from being a great entertainer, the man himself was no saint, and I feel that by glorifying him in this fashion, really shows how easily the public forgets things, especially when something shiny is dangled in front of them.
Paranormal Activity is still holding strong, taking in another $16.5 million, bringing it's Box Office tally to $84.8 million total. Not bad for a movie that cost only $11 million to make! It seems that this is another "District 9"-type movie where word of mouth has helped the overall gross. Good to see!
Law Abiding Citizen (Forch Rating: 6/10) climbs up one spot from last week, and takes third place, with another $7.3 Million. Bringing it to a total of $51.4 million overall. Not bad for a 3-week tally.
Couple's Retreat (Forch Rating: 5/10) climbs up one spot to fourth, and took in another $6.1 million, bringing in a total of $86.7 million dollars in 4 weeks total. I am sure this is the type of movie that will do much better as a rental, as Vince Vaughn isn't pulling in the moviegoers as much as everyone seems to think that he does.
In fifth place, Saw VI, which brought in a measly $5.5 million ($22.8 million in 2 weeks) which is really disappointing to see (Not for me, of course). But like I said last weekend, people are coming to the realization that these movies are very stale, and no one really cares about them anymore. I imagine that Saws VII and VIII are not going to be much better, if they happen to even get made, that is.
In sixth, Where the Wild Things Are with $5.08 million. ($61.8 million in 3 weeks) which really is disappointing as well, as it looked like hopes were high on this one, but I don't think that it's going to pan out in the end.
The Stepfather came in seventh for the second straight weekend, bringing in $3.4 million ($24.7 million in 3 weeks). Just an awful looking movie... The trailer alone should tell you that, since the climax and the whole plot is pretty much given away in it.
Eighth place: Astro Boy... This Box-Office FLOP brought in another whopping $3.04 million in its second week, bringing its total to $10.9 million. A real disappointment, to be sure.
In ninth place: Amelia, the Amelia Earhart film starring Hillary Swank (Shudder) brought in $3 million, to bring its 2-week total to $8.31 million, which is respectable considering that it's in a limited-release, and really doesn't appeal to the mass-market moviegoer.
Rounding out the top 10, in Tenth Place: Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant. As I mentioned last week, I am sure the moviegoers are waiting for New Moon for their vampire fix, because $2.81 million in a second week is very, very crappy, and a 2-week tally over just over $10 million? Paltry! But then again, maybe the theatergoers know crap when they see it!
So this week? No better than last, really. But it's all relative to the time of the year. The larger releases either have already been released, and are heading toward home video (See This week's Celluloid Sell-Out on Tuesday for GI Joe!) or heading to theaters around Christmas.

Next week, I hope things will pick up a bit. Four reasonably big releases will be coming to theaters. The one that I am looking most forward to is "The Men Who Stare at Goats" with George Clooney, Ewan McGregor, Kevin Spacey and Jeff Bridges.
We also have "The Fourth Kind" with Milla Jovovich which looks REALLY creepy, in a Blair-Witch kinda way.
Also the CGI-spectacle: "A Christmas Carol" comes to theaters, with a Jim Carrey-laden filled holiday treat, could we see another Grinch? Or are we looking at another "The Majestic"? I think I smell a potential hit, especially with Robert Zemeckis (Back To The Future, ForchMan movie #1!) at the helm!
And finally, "The Box" with Cameron Diaz, James Marsden and Frank Langella. This movie, looks to be the dark horse of the four, being that it looks like it could do really bad, but the premise might be enough to attract moviegoers, especially if there's a sellout for any of the three above. People might just walk into this one, and walk out very entertained.
I know I will be dying to see "The Men Who Stare At Goats" as I have been anticipating this since I first saw the Trailer in August. So expect a review of that one, at the very least this coming weekend, and perhaps another one, if there is time!

Until Next Weekend!
By: Forch F. Fortier (Who reminds you that he may not have the ability to kill a goat with his very mind, but he does have the ability to make the world's greatest grilled cheese without a spatula!!!)
I can't wait to see The Men Who Stare at Goats! :) Also, the Boondock Saints sequel should be pretty good. What is your take on "Everybody's Fine" starring Deniro?
The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day looks just as good as the original, however it's gotten a very limited release, so don't expect much in way of "Boffo Box Office", it's not even playing around the Niagara Region.
Everybody's Fine looks like a really good movie. I like DeNiro. The movie has a solid cast, and the trailer looks good too. I'll probably go to see it, depending on what else is out at the time. But it definitely looks like an all-round good movie.
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