So, it's Sunday, and here I am cooped up in my Parents' basement (As I normally am when Chloe's not around) and so I have devoted my day to looking for stuff to write about, when on one of my geek-resources, io9.com I come across an article: Expect Tears For David Tennant's Doctor's Farewell.
Now at the present time, there are three remaining episodes of Doctor Who starring: (My personal favorite Doctor) David Tennant. I have been met with mixed emotions over this for about a year now, knowing that he'll be hanging up his Sonic Screwdriver for good.
Tennant's performance of the Doctor is many things. He's funny, he's eccentric, he's serious, he's a genius (He'd call you one too, but he's in the room!), he's romantic, he's charming, charismatic, amazing and so many other adjectives could be used to describe the tenth Doctor.

I'll be the first to admit, there are many times in the series that I have been moved to tears, most notably "Army of Ghosts/Doomsday" where The Doctor and Rose were separated for what looked to be forever. That scene in "DÃ¥rlig Ulv Stranden" (Translated to "Bad Wolf Bay" from Norwegian) where The Doctor projects a Hologram of himself (Using a Supernova just to say goodbye.) to Rose. Just as he's about to tell her that he loves her, he disappears.

So the show itself is just ripe with emotional content. (A testament to the writers of the series) And I, of course get sucked into that emotion really easily.

Wow! That's a lot to live up to, in my opinion, but judging by the trailers, I have little doubt (If any at all) that "The Waters of Mars" will satisfy this craving that I have for Doctor Who.

In addition to the description of the emotionality of the episode, it's stated that "more than one enemy will put in an appearance, either in flashback (Not necessarily from the Doctor's life) or... dare I say, premonition."
My God... I have to see this episode!!!
The episode, of course ends with a "Flash-forward" to the "End of Time" two parter, to end Tennant's reign as the Doctor, which I know I will have to watch alone. (To save myself the embarrassment of crying in front of a bunch of dudes.) And from there I have the Eleventh Doctor, Matt Smith to look forward to. I still remain ambivalent about his Doctor, until I see something showcasing his Doctor. (Trailer, Preview, episode, whatever) I know that Steven Moffat will not let me down.

By Forch F. Fortier (Who is mentioning at this time, that if Matt Smith doesn't work out for the role of "The Doctor", that is he is a trained actor, and is willing to take over the role on a minute's notice. However, you're going to need to provide him with airfare and a place to crash, as he's flat broke right now... But wouldn't that be interesting? The first bald, non-european Doctor??? Think about it, Steve!)
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