I've been a Smallville watcher since season 1, and I would like to say that I am a passionate, as well as a very attentive fan. I think that as a whole, the show has achieved its original goal: To tell a realistic "Origin" of Clark Kent, with a modern twist that fans will both enjoy, and be able to believe.
I don't think that when the show was originally created that the intention was to keep the show going on this long though. So I have been posing the question: Is season 9 taking "Smallville" too far?
Superman, as a character has always been among my favorite superheroes, (But nowhere near The Flash or Green Lantern.) but as a character, he's always lacked a little bit, because as he is so powerful, is it really interesting to see a man, who can be pretty much invincible to almost everything?
But Smallville was something different.
At the start of the series, Clark was just learning of his origins. Krypton wasn't even a word mentioned until the second season (Rosetta, the First Christopher Reeve episode). Clark didn't have all of his powers, and he was an awkward teen, struggling to find his identity, as well as deal with and hide the fact that he has all of these abilities, and no explanation as to why.
Flash forward nine years. Clark knows who he is. Almost all of his powers are in tact, and he's fighting crime, as well as work as a reporter for the Daily Planet. So what's so "Smallville" about Smallville?
The show should really be called "Metropolis" at this point, because quite frankly, the only scenes you see Smallville at all are at the Kent Farm (Which is relegated to the Kitchen/Living Room, and the Barn) and of course Chloe/Lois's (I'm not sure whose it is at this point) apartment about "The Talon".
The only power that Kal-El (Clark/Superman for you laypersons) doesn't currently possess is Flight. And at this point the only explanation of this is (Via Jor-El, Kal's Dad) that it's all in his head. So there's still room for Clark to grow as a hero, but after 9 years, you figure that he'd be superman at this point.
Judging by the fact that Clark was either in his first or second year of High School in the first season, which would place him at 15. Normal time progression would state that he's about 24 at this point.
So why is he not "Superman"???
He's become a somewhat brooding version of Superman, in a black trenchcoat and black t-shirt (Complete with the Seal of the house of El, the Superman Insignia to you.) He's keeping himself hidden, but stories of him are popping up in the papers, like the Daily Planet (Where Clark conveniently works). And speaking of which... Who reads newspapers anymore?
In my personal opinion, what has made Smallville great, is not just the very good character development (minus Lana Lang, thank God she's gone!) but is the hints and nods to DC Comics continuity. The fact that a character like Green Arrow is a recurring character is great, because I love GA! And the version from this show is a great template for a movie version (Hint, hint DC/Warner). From last week's special appearance of "Roulette" to the appearances of Bart Allen (Flash IV/Impulse/Kid Flash), Aquaman, Black Canary and Cyborg, to the villains, Smallville has always had the DC fans salivating at the little teasers that they throw in there.
Who could forget in season one when a young Lex Luthor tells Clark that their friendship would be the "Stuff of legend"??? Classic! Or even when Chloe asks Clark what he wants to be and he replies: "I just don't want to wear a suit and fly everywhere" (Forgive me if that's not verbatim), Smallville delivers, and continue to deliver fans a great view of the biggest hero of the DC universe.
There are negatives to the series, though. Lana Lang was one of them. I found her too annoying, I am not sure if it was the way they wrote her, or just Kristen Kreuk herself. I am not sure, but I think that eliminating her character was a great idea. On the other side of the coin, I felt by removing Clark's parents from the series, you eliminated the moral anchor that made Clark the hero he is/was/will be.. Ma and Pa Kent are as pivotal characters to the Superman Mythos as Lex Luthor, and I feel by eliminating them, as well as Lionel Luthor, took away from the show, more than it added.
I also didn't like the Character Arc involving Jason Teague (Jensen Ackles). His character was a really lame Mama's Boy (Mother of course played by the ever-sexy Jane Seymour) and I was glad to see him die off at the end of that storyline arc. (Of course he had to leave to start the CW Hit: Supernatural). I could have done without the Kawatchee Caves and the whole "Native American" angle for Clark's character development.
So with all of this, will I continue to watch? Of course I will. Is it stale? Perhaps a tad... 9 years (With a possible 10th on the way) seems a little extreme. But I have the perfect idea for the definitive shot to end the series...
Of course I am not going to say it, what do you think? I'm crazy? Not a chance, if the writers want to know it, they're going to have to hire me as a writer to pen the finale!!! (By Forch F. Fortier)
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