Thursday, October 29, 2009

Game Geekery #2 - The World(wake) is not enough.

So over the years I have found that I enjoy playing collectible card games (or ccg’s as they are commonly called). I also know that the first things MOST people think of when I use those words are “Yu gi OH!” and “Pokemon”. The thing is there are literally thousands of different ones out there covering almost every genre of theme and topic. However, there can be little debate that the “grand daddy” of them all has to be Magic: The Gathering. For more than 16 years this marvel of the mind of Dr. Richard Garfield has dominated, recreated and blazed the trail for every CCG that has come after. With the Holiday season just around the corner, I thought I’d take a look at the NEWEST products about to his the shelves. Let us take a journey though the multiverse and look at Magic: The Gathering.

Duel Deck - Liliana Vs Garruk:

OH HELLS YEAH! That’s right! These two heavyweights are about to lock up! Anyone who plays magic knows how mind-blowingly cool planeswalkers are, and these two are perfectly matched to face each other. With two ready-to-play 60-card decks (featuring some of the best green and black spells around) are a MUST HAVE for kitchen table and tournament players alike. “Duel Decks: Garruk vs Liliana” contains eight rare cards, and six cards with new artwork, including foil alternate-art versions of Garruk Wildspeaker and Liliana Vess. Best of all, these cards are black bordered and tournament playable. The MSRP is $19.99 USD and I suggest that you try to pick up at least one for that special someone for Christmas (like yourself).

The Premium Sliver Deck:

Yes, everyone’s favourite little dirty pleasure is back. You know you love them…even if you wont admit it. Vicious, territorial, and able to share abilities, Slivers are nearly impossible to stop. This new and powerful, 60-card, all foil deck contains some of greatest Sliver cards from throughout Magic history, including several that have never been released in foil before! This HOT item will be VERY limited at release, so I recommend getting in a pre-order, or getting in line EARLY…and possibly often. Though the MSRP is about $34.99 USD, I don’t expect to see these go for less than $59.99 USD, similar to the “From the Vault” series.

Zendikar Block: Set #2 - WorldWake:

Though its being released at the end of January (for pre-releases), this set is a must have Christmas present. A pre-order will guarantee you a box, intro pack or Fatpack, and will make a great stocking-stuffer or main event gift. Don’t believe me? As those who pre-ordered Zendikar! There was barely enough to meet demand, and that was BEFORE we found out that they had repacked Power and other great cards into random packs. Mark Rosewater (magic’s head cheese) sweetened the pot this week when he said that the overall theme of Zendikar would be permeating the new set as well. Starting at $12.99 USD and up, don’t wait to get this for yourself or others, as it will QUICKLY run out.

Well, that about wraps it up for Magic. “But wait!” you say? What about your Top 5 magic cards in Standard? Well…. seems to me I promised you that didn’t I? Well…here’s the list…next time we’ll discuss my choices and see what YOU think.

Top 5 Cards in the Current Standard Format for Magic the Gathering:

5. Archive Trap

4. Path to Exile

3. Goblin Bushwacker

2. The Fetch Lands

1. Baneslayer Angel

Until Next time Kiddies!

The Admiral.

All images and product information is copywrite of Wizards of the Coast and Hasbro. All rights reserved.


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