Hallowe'en is nearly upon us, and you know what that means for the TV viewing audience. Hallowe'en TV specials. Most of them have been in circulation for decades now (A Charlie Brown Hallowe'en, Garfield's Hallowe'en Special, et al) and of course stations aimed at a youth audience will air episodes of kid's shows with the hallowe'en theme to it.
So last night on NBC, they unveiled a new Hallowe'en special, "Monsters Vs. Aliens: Mutant Pumpkins From Outer Space", from the imagineers over at Dreamworks Animation.
Now, I am a huge fan of Dreamworks Animation, from Shrek (1,2 and 3) Bee Movie as well as Kung Fu Panda, I love these movies. I would go as far to say that I find them as entertaining as Pixar's movies, mostly because mainly the humor is more suited towards all audiences, when Pixar movies seem to be more geared directly to kids.
So Mutant Pumpkins From Outer Space, takes place after the events of Monsters Vs. Aliens. The gang of Monsters are still safe and sound, living in Area 52, and they've been called to answer an oncoming crisis in Modesto, CA (Home of Susan, aka Ginormica) and of course all hilarity ensues.
The entire cast of voices have been brought back for the special, which was a pleasant piece of news. Dreamworks has done an awesome job for that, whenever a short film or special is made based on one of their collective hits, the actors always come back to voice. (See: Shrek The Halls)
The film itself is just as visually stunning as the film (Even more so in HD, Thanks Mom and Dad for letting us watch it upstairs!) and I thoroughly enjoyed it, as well as Miss Chloe, who wanted to watch it again, not realizing that it was not a DVD! So it looks like when it comes out on Home Video, I am going to have to make that purchase! (Twist my arm!)
Out of a possible 10 Grilled Cheese Sandwiches, I give "Monsters Vs Aliens: Mutant Pumpkins From Outer Space" 8 sandwiches with another having two bites out of it, so I guess it's an 8 1/2 out of 10! (By Forch F. Fortier)
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