Man, it's been a while since we got some new Doctor Who, but if rumors on the internet are any indication, it looks like it's going to be VERY SOON!
According to an article over at denofgeek.com there are signs pointing to the fact that November 14th will be the BBC air date of "The Waters of Mars", which will be the first part of the final three episodes featuring the 10th Doctor, David Tennant.
BBC has yet to confirm anything at all, but there are items of evidence to suggest that the 14th is the date.
First off, the BBC lists the episode for "Week 46", and if any semblance of normailty exists within the BBC, it's be on Saturday, like the BBC normally does, which is the 14th. or at the latest, the following Friday, the 20th.
The only time Doctor Who is ever not on Saturday is Christmas, and of course that's when the other two episodes are scheduled to air.
Additional evidence to suspect the 14th, is that Children in Need will be broadcasting on the 20th of November, which given that the Doctor Who portion of Children in need is going to preview the Christmas specials, it's safe to assume that "The Waters of Mars" will have aired by that point.
The rumor is that the BBC will confirm this by the end of the week.
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