Well they were able to save the Cheerleader, which then allowed them to save the world, but now the characters of Heroes are facing the one thing that they don't have a power to prevent..... CANCELLATION!!!
I can't say that this is coming as any of a shock. (Especially to those who actually watch the show) Let's face facts. After season one's awesome finale, the show has been steadily falling since. Characters who we were enamored with, are now people who we could care less about, and what has been done to win us back?Cheap stunts that are, at best, the work of desperation. (A Lesbian Angle with Claire? Really?)
The idea of the show, when it first came out was awesome. A bunch of normal, every day people suddenly find themselves empowered with abilities far beyond those of mortal men, and how they deal with said powers is the premise.

Characters like Hiro Nakamura, Peter Petrelli, Claire Bennett and Matt Parkman were people who not only entertained us, but in my case inspired me. I was abuzz with creative ideas about the direction of the series, and even my (Then) wife was totally into the show, and couldn't wait for the second season.
Of course, as the second season came to pass, a lackluster storyline, and a writer's strike really did not help. But we say the characters we cared so deeply for fall into less interesting storylines, as well as a complex, and sometimes completely asinine situations. For example, what the hell happened to Caitlin McKenna, the Irish woman that Peter fell in love with???? Did he really just leave her in the future??? Apparently, because of the writer's strike, that storyline never came to pass...

I think that this might be a good idea. NBC has totally dropped the ball with this series, and I think that perhaps it's time to send it off to pasture. Allow everything to wrap up, and give us some closure. Most of the cast will move on to bigger and better things, anyway. Look at Zachary Quinto. He'll be playing Spock for the foreseeable future, Greg Grunberg will always have work as long as J.J. Abrams is making TV and movies, Hayden Panetteire will be working for quite some time, as not only is she beautiful, but she's not that bad of an actress as well, and Milo Ventimiglia? Well he'll be able to find work, I am sure, and if not, I can imagine he'll make quite a killing doing the Comic Book convention circuit... Look at how well Lou Ferrigno does!
It's sad to see Heroes go, but like a rabid Dog, it's best to just put it down... Let me go get my shotgun, you take "Old Yeller" out to the back of the barn...

(By Forch F. Fortier, who feels that Tim Kring's biggest mistake on Heroes, was not to give Christopher Eccleston a permanent role on the show!)
I agree, The end is near. Let it be quick and painless. R.I.P Heros.
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