So this week's home video releases (as I mentioned earlier in the week, see "Celluloid Sell-Out: October 27th) were a lackluster sort at best, and the only one of the movies that I could find any sort of redeeming qualities with, was "Battlestar Galactica: The Plan". I had mentioned that I would eventually end up purchasing it, well I still haven't, but I decided to take it upon myself to rent it, to decide whether or not it was worth purchasing.
So, the plotline revolves around the events of the Battlestar Galactica series, however the point of view is changed. Instead of focussing on the humans and their attempt to survive, the point of view is from the Cylon's, and their plan to destroy the humans.
The original series, itself was a master-stroke in Science Fiction writing. It took key elements of humanity, and ambiguously showed how flawed we are as a species, as well as the fact that the Cylons (Who are essentially the children of humans) are just as flawed as we are.

Scenes depicting all of the revealed 12 models are played out. Some of which are previously shown scenes from the original series, some from a slightly altered point of view, in this you see a lot of the inner conflict of the Cylons themselves.
For example, Number Four (as played by Rick Worthy) has one model that was married to a mechanic named Giana on Galactica (as played by Lymari Nadal) and you can see how much turmoil he has within, when Number One confronts him, and forces him to blow up the ship that he and his wife live on, and instead he chooses to take his own life, because he would rather die than lose the ones he loves.
You can also see the pure hatred for the human race in the eyes of both models of Number One, specifically when you see an interaction with the Number One on Galactica and an Orphaned Boy. It goes to show as the main Cylon, how he believes without a doubt that humans are far lesser than Cylons. But at the same time, the Number One from Caprica starts to believe that the occupation was a mistake. It's interesting to see what essentially is the same character have a conflict with itself.
The story of course, has already been played out, so ultimately you know the conclusion that the movie comes to. The key is to show an alternate point of view. It was said that the best villains are the ones who believe inherently that what they are doing is right and justified. And you can see that conviction within the Cylons.

The movie, as well reveals the answer to one of the few remaining questions left from the end of BSG, which is: "What exactly was the Cylon's plan?" Now, we finally know.
All-in-all the film is done very well, and any fan of the series will enjoy the movie, because let's face facts... It's more Battlestar, and that's what we ultimately want.
Edward James Olmos, who fans know as Admiral Adama took the helm and directed it, doing a superb job. The movie had the same look and feel of the series, as well, the parts that we obviously reused from the show mesh well with the newly filmed material, giving things a very uniform feel to it.
The Disc itself has a pretty good amount of Bonus Material to it, with deleted scenes and Documentaries, as well as a preview for the series itself on DVD.
Out of a possible Ten "Grilled Cheese" Sandwiches, I give "Battlestar Galactica: The Plan" a total of Nine Grilled Cheese Sandwiches with the tenth having one bite taken out of it, so that means BSG: The Plan earns a total of 9.75/10, which means that I really liked it, duh! Why wouldn't I? It's BSG! :P

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