Hello there boys and girls, my name is Trevor. The
ForchMan has asked me to join in his cavalcade of whimsy,
specializing in the Video Gaming industry, for now (insert
sinister laughter).
The first thing I'd like to do, is thank the Forch for his
grievous error in allowing me any sort of an outlet to
voice an opinion on things, followed briefly by a thank
you in a positive light, for the exact same reason.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not the sort to hate on something
cause its trendy to hate, nor will I rip it several new
usable orifices to use as guttural sludge pumps for the
ooze I call my opinions, for being something everyone
adores. This is the internet people. The free exchange of
ideas, not a series of tubes on the back of a truck.
So yes, sometimes the things I write will be offensive and
not for the faint of heart and that's just the way the
cookie crumbles. But you're here for a view on a subject
and that's pretty much what you're going to get.
Not all the games I review will be the latest badass super
outerspace adventure on Playstation 12. Some of them will
be older games, even classics. Games that have somehow
assisted in molding this god forsaken creature, who's
words you are reading right now. And for fans of the
series, I will very quickly review Final Fantasy 8, it was
garbage. You just read it, you can't unread it. Other
times it'll be issues in gaming that have really jostled
my flaps, but that'll come in good time.
Now a bit of history for those who would care to read it -
I started back in the cartridge days, happy to say I am
the tag end of the original Nintendo generation. I have
seen consoles develop from overpriced smile generators
that looked like that one time the kid in your
kindergarten class ate the box of crayons and threw up all
over the floor to the over priced machines they are today,
trying my damnedest to stay on top of current market
trends. At any given time I can honestly say I've been a
proud owner of all of the many systems that have been
released in North America, though I am loath to admit it
on a few. (Under his breath, coughs the word Gamecube).
I'm a big reader, and I'll usually give anything a shot,
from Clancy to Brown, but my true literary love is
fantasy. Just like everyone else, I have my thoughts on
that one, the proof of that is that I actually liked
Confessor, despite everyone elses massive hatred of it.
(He had to let her go for crying out loud). Though this may
put me at odds with other members of the team, I don't
like Steven King when he tries to write suspense (except
the Stand, which was fantastic).
Movies are the same. I'll watch most things once, and
thanks to Kat its very commonly cartoons or comedy films.
Yet I still struggle through them to find out which are
worth it, and some cartoons are and the ones that aren't
up to par, will be met with, shall we call it ...
assholery. Like Tim Burton ... fuck Sweeney Todd.
Now I'll state this now that you've trudged through all of
this shit, but I can be long winded or as I like to call
it "thorough"
But I've pulled your attention away from useful things
like video games for long enough ...
Play Safely
Maj. Trevor Martin
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