Wow! 2 Smallville Articles in one week? Unheard of!
Well this time around, I have taken it upon myself to review this week's episode "Crossfire" which is the sixth episode of the current season, and one that has delivered significant results, to which I was left smiling at the end.
This week's episode opens with a young woman fighting a man twice her size in an underground fight club. She defeats him soundly, and then all of the sudden, her arms are raised by what appears to be her "pimp". And who happens to be in the crowd watching the fight? Well it's Oliver Queen, otherwise known as the Green Arrow!

From the moment I heard the young girl, named "Mia" being called "Speedy" (played by: Elise Gatien, in a role which I hope to see more of her!), I knew that I was in for a treat. Because although I knew that Mia/Speedy would be in the episode, It's always nice to see those little "nods" to the DCU. :)
Of course, no episode of Smallville would be complete without the man, himself, Clark Kent, and he's agreed to help the beautiful Lois Lane (Played by the future Mrs. Fortier, Erica Durance) with an audition for a morning talk show. And unfortunately for Clark, the bickering between the two was enough for both Clark and Lois to get the job, much to the chagrin of Clark.

Ollie, of course, has now taken it on himself to take Mia out of her lifestyle that she's gotten herself into, so he picks her up in his lovely vehicle, and whisks her away to the Arrowcave (I can't believe there is an Arrowcave! Not in Smallville, but in the comics....) And he's begun training for Mia, to of course become his protege.
I also liked the fact that they dressed Mia in Red and Yellow, similar to how all DC Comics characters who have appeared on Smallville tend to be dressed in their traditional colors (See: Arthur Curry, who channeled Aquaman to a "T")
Without getting into the details of the episode, I just want to say that it was nice to see that the episode wasn't as much action-packed, as it was plot development for later on in the series. Not much was done to progress the "Kandorian" storyline, other than a few snippets of Major Zod and Tess Mercer. Of course it's nice to see that they're building toward something, without having to make it all substance, no story.

The episode ends with the perfect moment. Yes. The first (full) kiss between Clark and Lois! Something that has been building since season 4 has finally come to fruition, and I have to say... FINALLY!
Chloe Sullivan of course Is always a highlight for me. I just love the character. I am enamored with her, and I wish that they would work her permanently into the Superman mythos. She's basically the Superman equivalent of "The Oracle" (Barbara Gordon, the former Batgirl for those of you who don't know.) and that role suits her to a "T".
All in all it was a great episode, very little to complain about, I give it a total of 8 Grilled Cheese Sandwiches out of 10.
By Forch F. Fortier (who reminds you that Erica Durance is going to be the future Mrs. Fortier, it's a real shame that she doesn't know that... If she rejects me, then Allison Mack is more than welcome to take her place!)
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