Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Waiting with Baited Breath: Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths.

The "Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths" Trailer has been making the Youtube rounds for the last several weeks (ever since the release of Superman/Batman: Public Enemies on DVD) and I have to admit, I am excited (yet again!) for the next release by Warner Premiere/DC Comics.

The concept is that of the Justice League basically versus the "Evil" counterparts that exist on "Earth-3" (Of DC Comics continuity), where roles are basically reversed, and Lex Luthor is the greatest hero of that reality. The "Crime Society of America" exist in the place of the Justice League. Featuring Villains such as: Ultraman (Superman), Superwoman (Wonder Woman), Owlman (Batman), Johnny Quick (The Flash) and Power Ring (Green Lantern).

For those who are familiar with past issues of JLA/Justice League of America, et al, you'll know that these vile fiends appear every so often in DC Comics, and of course the Justice League's lives are usually turned upside down, but ultimately the heroes save the day, and lives return back to normal, or as normal as they get for the life of a Superhero.

The story itself is going to be mainly taken from the 1999 JLA: Earth 2 Storyline by Grant Morrison, where a heroic Lex Luthor comes to ask the Justice League for assistance against the Crime Syndicate. The film was writted by "Justice League" writer, Dwayne McDuffie and does not have any direct canon to the DCAU (DC Comics Animated Universe) from TV.

The DVD has been slated for a Spring 2010 release, and of course will appear in the 2 different DVD versions, the first with just the single disc and the second that will include a digital copy of the film to put in your computer/digital media device.

By Forch F. Fortier (Who hopes that the Earth-3 version of Forch is as cool as him. Of course he'll be evil, but as long as he still likes Grilled Cheese, and blue Kool-Aid, then maybe we can find a common ground.)


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