Well tonight's Smallville, once again surpassed my expectations and was left eagerly anticipating next week!
Wow, what a way to blow my wad before I even get into my review!
This weeks episode: "Kandor", which is the seventh episode of this, the ninth season.
Now, if we recall, last week we were left with the first "Real" kiss between Clark and Lois, does this mean that more romance is in store for everyone's favorite Kryptonian? Well, No. It's a Lois-free episode (boo!) but at least it's a Chloe-heavy episode! (yay!). This installment focusses on The Kandorians, let by Major Zod (Why isn't he a General, hmmmm? Will we find out this week?)

Opening up the episode, after Chloe tracks a Kandorian signal, Clark and Ollie travel to the desert somewhere and find the seal of the House of El fused into the sand (In the form of glass) in the very desert itself. At the base, lies dog tags. Clark reads them, and is shocked to see the very name he never expected. Jor-El.
The episode itself finally explains itself, with a lot of Flashbacks to Kandor, and a war that took place about 20 years before Krypton's destruction. Major Zod and Jor-El were the closest of friends, with Zod even going as far to save Jor-El from a death sentence when disobeying orders. Jor-El is commissioned to make a device, which essentially makes the Kryptonians Immortal (The very device that Tess Mercer opened at the Season 8 Finale to release the Kandorians.)
So to sum everything up, so that we can get the fourth dimensional explanation...

So.... Major Zod, Jor-El and the rest of the Kandorians are actually clones of their previously living counterparts, they're not the real-deal. This explains why Zod is just a Major, and not a General. The reason why none of them have super powers, is because Jor-El knew that they'd possibly be a menace to earth, so he used Blue Kryptonite, and exposed it to the device, so that none of them could develop powers.
What I also liked about this episode, is that we get a reason why Zod hates Jor-El! That's something that I enjoyed to finally get to see on the screen. The reason being that Jor-El refused Zod's request to put his dead son's DNA into the device, which caused the rift between the two, and ultimately Zod's dissent into madness, and finally the destruction of Krypton itself.
In the end, Zod finally figures out who the son of Jor-El is, and we fade to black, so now the games begin...

I must applaud the performance of Julian Sands as Jor-El. He did quite a good job, and managed to sound a lot like Terence Stamp (Which I still laugh, because he actually played Zod in the Superman Movies, how weird this circles itself!). The scene in which he dies in Clark's arms, you see how much anguish Clark feels because he gets a chance to meet his real father, but only for a moment.
This was an even better episode than last week, and judging by how things are starting to heat up, I can only imagine how "Business is about to pick up!" I give Kandor a total of 9 Grilled Cheese Sandwiches out of a possible 10!

By Forch F. Fortier (Who reminds you that the son of Jor-El has yet to kneel before Zod, but Zod kneels before Charles Nelson Reilly.)
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