What is it about George Clooney that makes him so likeable???
Today I checked out "The Men Who Stare At Goats". This was a movie that I have been clamoring to see since I saw the trailer for it before The (Dreadful) Film, Extract. (Extract: Forch Rating: 3/10)
For those of you who do not know, or have not heard of this film, It's based on the 2004 book of the same name, by Jon Ronson. It follows a reporter named Bob Wilton, (Played by Ewan McGregor) who meets a man named Lyn Cassady (George Clooney) who reveals that he was a soldier in a "New Earth Army", where the Army decided to use "Psychic Soldiers" in a top-secret branch of the military.
Clooney, obviously the star of the film delivers a performance like only Clooney can. His character is obviously a little "Off the beaten path", and he's actually got good chemistry with Ewan McGregor.

The plot takes Wilton and Cassady through Iraq, as Cassady had been "Recently Reactivated" and was on a mission to which Wilton tags along. Hilarity Ensues. Throughout the misadventures of the two, Cassady's tale is revealed and flushed out, as it shows his military exploits, as well as the exploits of two fellow "Psychic Soldiers", The Leader of the New Earth Army, Bill Django (Played brilliantly by Jeff Bridges, channelling "The Dude" in this one) and Cassady's chief rival, Larry Hooper (Kevin Spacey).
Overall, the movie is good. It's not too predictable, and it's not one of your typical run-of-the-mill Hollywood Blockbusters. I found myself laughing throughout, and identifying with the characters quite well. I liked how the "Psychic Soldiers" were referred to, by Cassady as "Jedi Warriors", which of course, the irony was not lost on me that McGregor played one of the most famous Jedi "Knights" (Not Warriors) of all time, Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars Episodes I-III). I've never read the book, so I am not sure if that is actually in there, or just a script change for the sake of a cute inside joke, but it is definitely snicker-worthy!

One of my favorite jokes in the film, was actually something that I laughed at harder than I probably should have, but it's definitely worth repeating, takes place in a scene where Robert Patrick (Who's put on quite a bit of weight) in his cameo scene asks: "What's the most common phrase uttered by the French?" to which the driver replies: "I give up!" That definitely made me Chortle. (Don't make me explain that to you!)
I was disappointed that Kevin Spacey didn't have more of a role in the film, I found as the primary Antagonist, he would have had a bigger part, but alas he didn't, and oh well, it happens.
I also liked the music in the film, specifically Boston's "More Than a Feeling" which gets played during and at the end of the movie, I felt that the music added to the mood of the film, which I find very important as well.
All-in-all, I felt that "The Men Who Stare At Goats" was a worthwhile, and enjoyable film, and out of a possible 10 Grilled Cheese Sandwiches, this film gets 9! If you're a fan of Clooney, you're going to enjoy it. If you like films that are funny, but not mainstream funny, you will like it. If you're looking for an Austin Powers-Type film, then you're not going to like it.

By Forch F. Fortier (Who reminds you that if you're going to try to kill a Goat using your mind, you may want to lay down some newspaper or old towels, because Goats aren't always the cleanest animals when they die, and don't ask me how I know this!!!!)
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