A day after finding the trailer for the upcoming adaptation of the comic book "Kick-Ass", it looks like a teaser poster has been released to promote the film. And judging by what has been put out so far, I have to say that I am eagerly anticipating this film! Lionsgate (The distributor of the film) is set to make some serious coin on this movie by the looks of it.
For those of you not familiar with Kick-Ass, the story revolves around a bunch of teens who become superheroes in the real world. The film itself was made, without the backing of a distributor, and due to its smashing reception at Comic Con this year, Lionsgate scooped up the rights to the movie.
Mark Millar, the writer of the comic, is one of the premier writers in comics today, and his reputation in Hollywood is ever-expanding. With the success of "Wanted" in 2008, and now "Kick-Ass" making all of the fanboys drool, expect to see a lot of future adaptations of his work in the future.
In fact, Millar is looking to gear up for a sequel to "Kick-Ass" before the film hits theaters (Which isn't until April 16th, 2010), which is likely to occur, due to the film's low budget, it gives the film a chance to be extremely profitable. In addition to that, there's even talk of a "Wanted 2" possibly being in production.

By Forch F. Fortier (Who reminds you that his favorite Mark Millar work is probably "The Ultimates", which would make a great Live-Action movie, but he'll settle for the Animated Version. What he would really love to see is an adaptation of "Superman: Red Son")
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