Well Joss Whedon can't seem to catch a break when it comes to his TV work on the FOX network. It looks like the Network has put the axe to his latest TV project: "Dollhouse", starring Eliza Dushku.
The show is going to end a 13-episode run to conclude season two, and the series. Fox has given the notice to Whedon that it will air those remaining episodes that they originally ordered. This will allow Whedon to end the series proper.
For those of you who remember (And if you read this, I am sure you do), Fox cancelled Whedon's other show on the network prematurely as well. That show, being Firefly. Now Firefly had a cult following to it, which led to a feature film, Serenity being released. Time will only tell if Dollhouse gets the same treatment, however I can only imagine that this will not be the case. The show was/is not exactly a ratings-juggernaut.
I have not watched the show myself, however I have heard that the series itself has been filled with problems since the premiere, and honestly, the show premise itself isn't exactly something that is going to appeal to a lot of people. The only reason why I'd even watch the show myself, would be for Eliza Dushku, and I am not so attracted to her that I have to watch anything with her in it, and that's not always enough for a show to be appealing. (See: Dark Angel)

By Forch F. Fortier (Who reminds you that FOX has a history of canceling shows before their time, so Dollhouse fans, don't fret. The network never knows what shows to keep on the air. Look at "Arrested Development", an amazing show which ended far too soon, and then of course look at "Prison Break", a show that was on FAR TOO LONG! It was still called Prison Break, even after they broke out of prison. More than 3/4 of the show took place AFTER the Prison Break!)
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