So this weekend's Box Office tally confirms what I had written yesterday. The Saw franchise is stale, and the fans know it, too!
The totals in general are typical for this time of year, seeing a decline in both the quality of releases, as well as the number of people going to the movies. It'll be several weeks before we see a jump in quality and quantity, with the Christmas releases nearing, as well as the Academy Award nominee-styled films set to be released around that time.

So Paranormal Activity won the box office tally this weekend with $22 million. Paramount put the movie out in wide release this weekend, and the movie going audience seemed to want to see that, rather than Saw VI (Thanks to a lot of word-of-mouth from the online community), which opened in second with a paltry $14.8 million, which is the lowest first weekend tally since the Original Saw film. The movie will still generate a profit, as it only cost $11,000,000 to make, which means that of course we're going to have a Saw VII (Actually there are still 2 Sequels in the works.) which is redundancy at work!

Where the Wild Things Are finished in third with $14.4 million, bringing its 2 week total to $54 million. This is a movie I have no intent to see, but it does look interesting. I know a lot of people enjoyed the book as children, however, not on my must-see list.
Law Abiding Citizen made another $12.7 million, and finished in fourth place. ($40.3 million in 2 weeks) (Forch Rating: 6 Grilled Cheese Sandwiches out of 10) This was a good movie, however quite predictable, hence the low score.
Couples Retreat finished in fifth with $11.1 million. ($78.2 Million in 3 weeks)
(Forch Rating: 5 Grilled Cheese Sandwiches out of 10) The movie had its moments, however it was not as great as it originally looked.
Astro Boy opened this weekend in sixth place with a paltry $7.02 million. A movie that looks good, however, I was never a fan of Astro Boy, so of course, it won't be a must-see for me.
The Stepfather (A movie that looks terrible, and I have no intent to see) finished seventh, with $6.5 million. This movie looks so bad, it looks like all of the film itself was put into the trailer.
In Eighth place, Cirque Du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant opened to a miserable $6.35 million. This is a movie that was hyped quite a bit, but I have a feeling that the Twilight freaks are waiting for New Moon to come out to get their Undead Bloodsucker fix.
Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs still maintains a grip in the top ten with $5.6 million, bringing its six-week tally to $115 million. I'm going to wait for video for this one, however it looks quite funny.
Rounding out the top ten is Zombieland, which finished the weekend with another $4.3 million, tallying up to a total of $67.3 Million in its four weeks in release. (Forch Rating: 7 1/2 Grilled Cheese Sandwiches out of a possible 10) If you have not seen the movie, go and see it! It is a definite recommended viewing! I am going to go out on a limb and say that I think that it is Woody Harrelson's finest performance!
So all-in-all, quite an uneventful box-office weekend, and next week's is not looking to be much better, with the exception of Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day. The Michael Jackson Tribute movie: "This is it" is going to open, probably with the biggest opening, due to the Jackson-lemmings coming out in droves to worship him. Jared Hess' (Director of Napoleon Dynamite) latest "Oddity" is going to come out. Entitled "Gentlemen Broncos" it looks mildly entertaining, and The House of the Devil, another sub-par horror movie are all slated to rock the cinema-goers' pants off!
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