Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Admiral Cometh…

Welcome, welcome! Come in and join us one and all! Since Forch has already started the introductions, I thought I might jump in. Yes, I am the Admiral, the one and only, the “ROCK” Rob Johnson, and I will be taking you on a journey through MY nerdy world. I’ll be taking a look at some of the new releases in “Geek Gaming” and showing you an exclusive inside look at what’s hot in the world of Photo-Geek-ery.

I guess I should probably start at the beginning: Just who in the Blue-Hell am I? Great Questions! As I said, I am Rob, friend of the Legendary FORCH. The end. No, wait, that’s not right. You want to know why I’m writing on things geeky, and why Forch has brought me onboard do you? In all honesty, this could take a while in itself, so I’m going to break down my qualifications in short form. I’m sure some day I’ll elaborate, but that’s for another post. Here (in no particular order) are some highlights from my resume:
  • Store Owner – OMG! Games and Collectibles (Barrie Ontario Canada)
  • DCI Judge, Wizards of the Coast
  • Retail Delegate, Wizards of the Coast / Hasbro
  • Advanced Tournament Organizer, Wizards of the Coast
  • Event Organizer, Upper Deck, TC Digital
  • Tournament Manager, Image Comics (Raw Deal Wrestling Card Game)
  • Beta Software Tester: Haavas / Sierra, Blizzard, Microsoft, Gas Powered Games,
  • Retired Professional Wrestler
  • Amateur Professional Bowler
  • Field Test Team Member, Bruswick Bowling
  • Professional Photographer

Damn! And That’s only the TIP of the Iceberg! When it comes to things of the NERD variety, I have done it, seen it, lived it, and probably eaten it. I have literally travelled the world geeking-out on the best that is out there. Now that I’m on board with TNTM 2.0, I’m going to put my wealth of experience to work bringing you the latest and greatest from around the world.

So, with that in mind, Keep your eyes to the skies, your ears to the Piers, and buckle up honey…. this is going to be one HELLUVA ride.


Forch F. Fortier said...

Yes, Rob is one of the longest-standing members of the Forch Foreign Legion, and he's also one of my dearest friends. What he brings to the table is ALOT! And I am proud to count him in with me!

Katie said...

*waves to Admiral Rob* It's me..Captain Katie..which so sounds like a children's show, it's not even funny. But still, it's me!

RA Johnson Photography said...

Hey Capn! Nive to have you on the blog!

MST3Claye said...

Sounds like a Falls Count Anywhere adventure through the path of Geekingham! Can't wait! Enjoyed the read. :)

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