I know when I saw the most recent one, I was a little put off by its simplicity. The logos of the past had a very iconic feel to it, which at the time, I felt was sorely lacking, but over time, and after the first time I saw the opening credits, my concerns were put to rest. The logo was perfect for what it was used for.
Now this one, I am leery, but excited at the same time.
I see it as a great advertising logo, to brand the show, however, I don't think that it would be a good logo to use for say, the opening credits. I find that having a "DW" in the shape of the TARDIS, really doesn't fit in the opening credits. If anything the TARDIS itself is what should be in there.
The 2005-Present credits by far are best, In my opinion. I love the fact that the time vortex, TARDIS, as well as kickass versions of the Opening Theme are prominent in the credits, of course, compared to credits of the past, the only thing missing was a photo of the Doctor himself, but I think that's kind of passe at this point, don't you?
With a major change in the series, it's always met with a lot of trepidation, and that's both good and bad, because change could go either way with the series, but generally, in the long run, I have always felt that the changes made have always worked out. Will this change work out? I think so, however I don't think that it will be met with a lot of positivity at first.
There seems to be TOO MUCH change going on at once, I think. With the addition of a New Doctor, new companion, new logo, what else is in line for a change? New opening music? I certainly hope not. The newest rendition of the Doctor Who Theme has been, in my opinion the best thus far. It combines the classic Orchestral feel, with a Modern Rock vibe to it, which I find to work, especially with David Tennant's Doctor.
Getting back to the Logo itself, I like it. I don't think that I would like to see it in the opening credits, but then again, ask me again after series 5 has run its course, and I may give you an entirely different opinion altogether!
That's the great thing about Doctor Who. We fans always get upset at the changes that are made, but we always end up accepting them, and grow to love them. We're experts at handling change!
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