Great news for breast cancer survivors, as it looks like Australian Scientists are getting ready to start human trials on a surgery so revolutionary, that it will enable women to regrow their breasts after having a Mastectomy.
The technique, called Neopec utilizes Stem Cells, and if successful, it is the hope that it would replace breast reconstructions and implants within three years.
The Bernard O'Brien Institute of Microsurgery's: Dr. Phillip Marzella has stated that there is going to be a trial of possibly five to six women, which may start within the next three to six months, as a way "To demonstrate that the body can regrow its own fat supply in the breast." Based on an article posted at the British Newspaper: The Telegraph, during the first trial, the surgeons will implant a chamber containing a sample of the woman's fat tissue into the chest, which will act as a "scaffolding" into which new breast tissue would then grow.
The chamber itself is to be biodegradable, so the fat can grow within, and then the chamber dissolve naturally. Dr. Marzella has stated that the new breasts would feel completely normal to the patient.
Marzella is hopeful that if successful, the same technique may be used it the future to possibly regrow other organs, when speaking on the subject, he was quoted as saying: "We are hoping to move on to other organs using the same principle - a chamber that protects and contains cells as they grow and they restore their normal function. So it is a pretty major leap for regenerative surgery and medicine."
The technique has already been successful in pigs, which grew breasts within six weeks, however Marzella says that the technique could take longer in women because humans stop growing once they reach adolescence.
In my opinion, this is a tremendous story, with amazing potential. Not just because as a man, I am a huge fan of breasts, but science is doing something to make our lives better. I just hope that "The Bible Belt" doesn't get wind of this and try to shut this down before the benefits can be shown to the world!

By: Forch F. Fortier (Who knows that this is not as much as a geek story as it is a "Science" story, but let's face facts, science is the Geek's best subject (Well that or Math.) and let's just put it out there. I love breasts. So any way that we can improve or enhance the bust, I am all for it!)
Original story: Australian scientists to start 'breast regrowth' trial
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