So here I am, reading through a bunch of entertainment news sites, and I have been blown out of my seat with the news that Pam Grier (One of the sexiest women of Forch's fantasies) has been cast on Smallville, as (Get this) Amanda Waller... That has to be some of the most unexpected casting news that I would have ever expected to hear. Especially for that Role.
Don't get me wrong, I am really stoked about it! Pam Grier is one of the sexiest women of all time. I've had a crush on her since I saw "Foxy Brown" late night on TV when I was like 10 years old. (Yeah, she was one of my first "Moments of Stiffness"!!!) Even at 60, she's still damned hot!!!
So the role of Amanda Waller is a little off, considering that the part (Which is that of an African American woman) is that of a "Larger" woman. Grier is anything, but "Large" (Unless you're adding "In Charge"). I am imagining that the role of Waller is going to have "The Suicide Squad" or "Checkmate" involved. That would be awesome, especially if we can have Captain Boomerang, or Deadshot on Smallville! (Maybe that will lead to another appearance by Bart Allen aka The Flash/Impulse!)

According to the news on the sites that I have been viewing, it looks like her story arc will appear in the second half of the season, after the most anticipated two-parter of the season: Geoff John's Justice Society episodes (I still am praying for at least an appearance by Jay Garrick, the Golden Age Flash!)
But if Grier's going to be a regular of the cast for the next half of this season, that's enough (Not that I needed a reason) to keep me peeled to my television screen for the rest of the season!!!

By Forch F. Fortier (who reminds the writers of Smallville, that the fans want to see more of the Justice League. Now that Ollie is back, and fighting crime, it's time to put the band back together. "Justice" is still one of my all-time favorite episodes, and with Amanda Waller and the possibility of a "Checkmate" storyline, I smell a total season climax that has a lot of Boom! Now... Just to hurry up and end this Kandor storyline, and get Checkmate going!)
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