So last week, scribe, and newest Producer of Doctor Who, Steven Moffat had a chat at a Screenwriter's Festival in Cheltenham, (UK) to discuss some of the things to expect for Series Five (I guess the episodes from 2009 are Series 4b?) of Doctor Who.
Benjamin Cook took the duties of interviewing, and it looks like there were a few items of interest that had been mentioned. Moffat had revealed the following was in store for the next series of our beloved Doctor Who, as well as a few interesting comments, which may spell out his vision of the show.
Special Thanks to denofgeek.com for the information, which appears that they got (At least in part) from Digital Spy who has a great excerpt, timeline wise of the interview here!

Here are some of the highlights of the interview:
* Could the new Tardis interior be influenced by Peter Cushing's, from the movie version of the show? Steven Moffat revealed that he's certainly a fan of Cushing's Tardis, so don't be surprised if its influence it felt...
* He re-emphasised that Doctor Who is a kids' show, citing the failure of the 1996 TV movie with Paul McGann as an example of how going too grown-up with Doctor Who doesn't work.
* Very, very good news: Mr Moffat is penning six (SIX!) episodes of the next series of the show. Add to that the earlier news that Richard Curtis is penning an episode, and that's six more to work out. It seems that Moffat wasn't to be drawn on that, though, although he didn't confirm or seemingly deny rumours of high profile guest writers being involved (although Curtis falls into that camp, to be fair).
* Moffat revealed that The Sun got hold of his script for The Silence In The Library before it was broadcast and threatened to publish it. Moffat simply told them to do it - "I'd like to see The Sun publish that many words in a day"

* Moffat said that Matt Smith was the third person auditioned for the role, reiterating that he's very much a young man coming across a lot older.
* The biggest challenge for Steven Moffat about Doctor Who's new series? According to the man himself, it's writing the final episode...
So what does this mean for Series Five??? Well as I had mentioned in a previous article (Prior to TNTM 2.0) that there was a chance that stairs were going to appear in the TARDIS, and it looks like there may be a completely different look to the series.
I am glad that Moffat is penning about 1/2 the episodes this year. He is clearly the best writer of the series (Sorry, RTD), penning each of my personal favorites from each series.
If Moffat thinks that Matt Smith can do an excellent job, then I put my faith in the both of them. I honestly won't complain until a reason for complaint is given to me. I am sure that we each could come up with a number of different actors that we want to play the Doctor, however obviously Moffat's vision has something specific, and Matt Smith, must be what he has envisioned for the series.
I sort of disagree, however with Mr. Moffat's assertion that Doctor Who is a Kid's show. Doctor Who is a Family show, in my opinion. It's one of the few shows that my Three Year Old Daughter, Chloe and I watch together (Without complaint by myself, or Spanish Lessons) and nothing makes me happier that my daughter knows what a TARDIS is, and has her own Sonic Screwdriver :) Nothing makes me prouder when that's the toy she wants to take back to Mommy's house. (Thank God I have 4)

By: Forch F. Fortier (Who knows that when The End of Time comes out, he'll be crying like a beaten step-child, but also knows that there's not going to be a long wait for the next series to get underway. Now all he needs is a girlfriend that is willing to watch Doctor Who with him and Chloe, and his life will then be complete!)
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