So because of all these things I tend to eat out a lot. Lately I've been on an Arby's kick. It's been one of my guilty pleasures since I was young. I like the roast beef flavoured plastic, I like the Horsey Sauce, which tastes not entirely unlike horseradish.
And in the more recent years I like the Loaded Potato Bites.
The one thing I hate about Arby's is their Staffing / Hiring process. I mean I understand it's fast food not Political Science... But really, can I get my order right at least once when I go there.
To give an example of a standard order :
Fatman : Can I get 4 Regular Roast Beef Sandwiches, 2 orders of Loaded Potato Bites, and 2 Diet Cokes. ( ok now I understand how dumb it seems, to order all that fatty starchy food for 2 people, then order Diet Coke... I really do get it... )
Window Licking Moron at Cash : Uh huh, is that all..
Fatman : Yes that is everything.
Window Licking Moron at Cash : So that's all.
Fatman : Yup, that'll do it.
Window Licking Moron at Cash : Ok, so you wanted 4 regular roast beef, 2 loaded potato bites, and 2 diet coke. that'll be $xx.xx.
Fatman : Ok good.
Now here's where it all breaks down. He says the order into the microphone that I'm pretty sure was used by Nasa mission control in the Apollo era. And I'm sure I heard him say 4 Arby-Q sandwiches. Now I'd be cool with that, but my wife is not a fan of the Arby-Q, which is why I ordered the Regular. So I approach the WLM@C, and ensure he understands regular, not Arby-Q, he says yes and goes into the back...
Alright, so far so good. I head back to the car with my 2 bags of food and my tray with 2 drinks... So we drive away having forgot the cardinal rule of fast food. Check your bags before you leave.
So in the car and driving away I start to pull out the food, 1st sandwich -- Arby-Q. 2nd Sandwich -- Beef and Cheddar. 3rd Sandwich -- Beef and Cheddar. 4th Sandwich -- Double Roast Beef. 5th Sandwich -- Beef and Cheddar.
So I picked a fairly easy order, because really. I wanted to make sure we got something we could eat. And granted I got 1 more sandwich than I ordered, and almost everything I got would have cost more than what I ordered, but really?!? This is what passes for customer service?
On the plus side I did get both Loaded Potato Bites, but I got a diet Coke and an Iced Tea.
So a few lessons to be learned, always check your order before leaving the fast food restaurant of your choosing. Look your cashier in the eye if possible and gauge how likely you are to get what you order. Listen to what he tells the people in the back, or read the little screen if you can. Repeat your order and speak up if you think they got it wrong.
And remember : At Arby's you don't have to be stupid to work here, but it helps...
In the words of Leo Getz: "THEY FUCK YOU AT THE DRIVE THRU! THEY FUCK YOU AT THE DRIVE THRU!" heh heh, I've been waiting to use a Lethal Weapon QUote all day, thanks, Shane!
no probs, just pointing out how much I hate going to fast food places... not that a lot of restaurants are much better...
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